Sunday, 13 January 2008

ORR corridor on growth path

Desaraju Surya
Hyderabad: The much-delayed Hyderabad Outer Ring Road Growth Corridor (ORRGC) has finally been notified to give fresh impetus to economic activity along the 162-km stretch—a one-of-its-kind in the country. The Municipal Administration and Urban Development Department issued the notification on Wednesday with a draft comprehensive master plan for a one-km belt on either side of the proposed ORR and a set of Special Development Regulations that are intended to “promote planned development and curb haphazard and ribbon development”. The government is planning to announce special incentives to encourage large projects that would cater to a larger population and also provide better infrastructure. Special incentives will be offered to large integrated townships and large educational institutions that come up on land up to 400 acres while other relaxations and incentives like tax concessions, single-window clearances and trunk infrastructure provision may be worked out for mega projects of 400 acres and above. For this, a special committee will be formed by the government and a separate policy drafted on the planning standards and public-private partnership models, highly placed official sources said. The government feels the development of ORR has had a significant effect on real estate in general and along the ORR in particular. With the ORR phase-I work on at a brisk pace to be completed by March 2008 and the Hyderabad international airport expected to become operational by then, the government feels construction activity will also get a push. “Hype around the ORR has so far only been speculative but with major projects going on in full steam, the entire stretch will become a popular destination for investment,” a senior MAUD official said. The government also wants to encash the opportunity to strengthen its financial resources and also ensure overall development of physical and social infrastructure within the ORRGC by levying “Value-Addition Charge-Building”. Land use in the ORRGC will be a “single multi-purpose and flexible use” zone called the Special Development Zone (SDZ). The ORRGC will be characterised by two SDZs of 500 mts wide each (SDZ-1 and SDZ-2). No expansion of existing industries and no new industries will be permitted within the SDZs while existing industrial estates will remain part of it only if they are “nonpolluting”. The ORRGC will, have three categories of zones: SDZs for residential, commercial and industrial development (non-polluting units), social infrastructure, institutional and work centres; open space and recreational zone for parks, green buffers, lakes, nalas and reserve forests; transportation and circulation zone for roads, parking lots, truck terminals, warehousing, wholesale market yards among others. The draft plan and development regulations will be displayed in the Huda office at Paigah Palace for 15 days for the public to raise objections or offer suggestions.

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